Author's Note: We should appreciate all the animals that god gave us and especially horses. Without them the fields would have never been plowed, or there would be no way to get from point a to point b and we still need them now. They can also be money makers if you want them too.
Horses, the feeling of the legs moving beneath you or the vibration when a horse is calling to another horse. I have experienced this before and it makes me feel like I'm a part of the horse. All of the memories come flooding back to me when I am reading the book "The Georges and the Jewels" by Jane Smiley. I feel like I can totally relate to this book. I have been riding horses since kindergarten and I appreciated them and what the do for others. Horses are beautiful creatures that god has given us, so take the time to acknowledge them.
Horses have been around since the earth was born, there are many types of horses that come from all around the world. They first became horses in the dinosaur age hyracotherim (hi-rack-oh-THEE-ree-um) the first horse known to man. Little herds of horses running would be running around or grazing on grass. Then came other horses from all around earth, there are over 300 breeds of horses in the world right now and there could still be more that are being born.
My favorite breed is the quarter horse, it is more of a laid back horse that you would use for trail rides. If you had the chance to ride this type of horse you would ride it in a style called Western. There are 2 main types of ways to ride a horse, western and English. English is a proper style of riding, you would ride English if you were rich and had very expensive horses for shows, or if you see a picture with men wearing red coats and are mounted on horses with dogs all around them, that’s English for you. But on the other hand Western is my kind of style, if you want to become a cowboy then this is what you want to listen too. Western is used for all the dirty work, if you would go on a cattle drive then you would likely see them riding with this saddle. You can also see girls and boys riding in this style for shows too, it’s fast passe and fun to ride in.
Horses are beautiful creatures that god gave us and we should be thankful for them and all that they have done for us. Without them there would be no crops or even food in that matter. It all started with them.